Kristina (Kris) Reynolds
Spent late 2008 almost all of 2009 taking care of my Mother who had cancer and passed away, Nov. 24, 2009.

In March of 2011, I too was diagnosed with cancer (of the throat) and have just completed 30 radiation treatments which has left me at this time unable to eat. I am hoping closer to the reunion I will be able to eat and attend.

I am also getting chemo and have 8 more out of 13 to start. change that to chemo (a cancer cell blocker for the rest of my life.

They say it's going to getting better, I don't think it can get much worse.

Thinking of all of you!

It took me 40 years to attend the first reunion and I had fun which made me wish, I'd gone to more, but oh! well!

Hopefully, I will be able to make this one

Oh! Yes! My only niece graduated from Eureka High School June 17, 2011, 45 years after I did!

Progress with eating real food is not happening, so with regret, I will not be attending the reunion this year!

I am on Facebook, but don't do much with it, but you can e-mail me a