Peggy Smith
Arrived in nostalgic Eureka tonight and look forward to the gathering tomorrow. My 92-year-old mother is still living in our family home and plays bridge three days/week. It may be a challenge to keep up with her! My retired life in Park City, Utah, is wonderful with endless powder runs, etc., in the winter! I also started singing with the Utah Symphony Chorus this past year. Not sure how I passed that audition, but I'm thoroughly enjoying every moment. Next is Beethoven's 9th in a few weeks. During the summer, I try to spend as much time as possible in McCall, Idaho, on the lake, in the mountains, and at the ice cream stand. Travel during the 'off' seasons is a bonus. Last month was the Boston Pops concert and fireworks on the 4th of July on the Charles River. What a treat! Joined the special "grandparent" club this year with the birth of my grandson Bergen.
A big "Thank You" to the local "reunion committee" for putting tomorrow's dinner event together. It is greatly appreciated and I am grateful to be here.