Janice(Jan) Davidoff (Kangas)
I regret that I can't make the reunion this year. I think I have only missed 2 reunions. My husband and I are retired and live in the Santa Cruz mtns. Eventually, we will be moving back to Eureka, as my mom is 89 yrs. old. We are looking forward to that after we sell our home. I have 1 son who is almost 46 yrs. old and 1 grands9n almost 13 yrs. old. My son lives in Pewaukee, WI. with his family. My son is 6ft. 8 in. tall!! I only had 1 child but he is a whopper!! Don't get to see them as much as we would like to. But live is good and all is well!! I will miss seeing all of you. Carol Hulett, Judy Thorsteinson, Karen Jorgenon & I have made a pact to all attend the 50th reunion!! That will be unreal!