Merlynn Fitzpatrick (Shuster)
One of my classes in Vientiane, Laos.
My life has been like a book. The first chapters include marrying Mike (a lawyer), finishing college, living in Germany 3 years, and raising 4 children. The second few chapters were about returning to school and earning an MA (education/ESL-1997) and a PhD (education-2009), teaching at Shasta College and Simpson University, and teaching EFL in several countries in Asia and Southeast Asia. Currently, Mike and I are living the third chapter. We have both retired from working in the States and now spend 1/3 of our time in Southeast Asia where I teach English as well as conduct teacher training classes. We continue to maintain our home in Redding and spend time with our children (Bulgaria, Yreka, San Diego, and Dallas) and our 7, almost 8 grandchildren. God has blessed us greatly and we're eager to see what He has for subsequent chapters of our life.