Connie Hinsdale (Stanger)
It's been a long time since my Eureka High days. I married before graduation, and had my son 11 months later :-) Not a " have to" wedding. We moved to Oregon and I got out of the hair biz, and into Real Estate. Loved the business and stayed in it until retiring in 2020. One son, Kevin, lives in Silverton and works for the Senior Center there. I have a Grandcat, Fargo. I ended up buying a RE office, and building in Silverton, and sold to a couple of my agents in 2020. I remarried in 1990, and have had a great life with him. We have done extensive world travel, and love that. He was in wine distribution so some of those trips had to be in Italy, etc. We moved to St George, Utah in 2020 for great sunny weather, and a bit more mellow political scene. We love it here