Barbara Castagna (McIntosh)
I finally retired last year from social services with the County of Shasta thinking I would have time to pursue my hobbies. Silly me! We have a 6 year old grandson who lives close by and he loves spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. Those of you with grandchildren know that just keeping up with kids that age can be a full time job. Between helping with young Miles and my volunteer work, I stay very busy.

My husband Fred is also retired and we have a place on Freshwater Lagoon. This gives us a chance to escape the Redding heat and lounge on the cool coast. As they say, you can take the girl out of the coast but you can't take the coast out of the girl.

I am looking forward to seeing all my old classmates (old being the operative word here!) Of course we are all still very young at heart.