Linda Hoggatt (McKinley)
Hello Everyone. It's been 30 years since I made it to a reunion and I am looking forward to it.
My first husband, Don Kiernan, passed away in 1988. At the time we were living in Ashland, Oregon, raising our three children, Joe, Bryan and Elizabeth.
I met Paul Hoggatt in 1990 and married in 1992. He had three children so we became the modern Brady Bunch with 6 kids, 2 dogs, and 3 cats.
Paul retired from the IRS in Medford, Oregon and I retired from Administration with the Ashland Police Department. Wow, that was a job I truly loved every day.
After living 31 years in Oregon we moved to Arizona and are enjoying the outdoor life year round. We finally gave up competitive softball and switched to tournament pickleball. I am the Southwest Regional Director for USA Pickleball Association (USAPA), spending most of my time training players, referees as well as playing.

We have 6 kids and 15 grandchildren. Luckily for us the majority of each are still on the west coast.